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Recruitment and Employment


  1. National Cheng Kung University Employment Separation Form for Contract Faculty/ Research Fellows(國立成功大學約聘教師、研究人員離職手續會簽單)
  2. National Cheng Kung University Report-for-Duty Registration Form for New Contract Teaching and Research Fellows(國立成功大學約聘教師/研究人員單一窗口報到單)
  3. National Cheng Kung University Resignation Form for Teaching and Research Fellows(國立成功大學教師/研究人員辭職申請表)
  4. National Cheng Kung University Signatures of Approval for Staff Separation (Retirement) from(國立成功大學教職員離職(退休)手續會簽單)
  5. National Cheng Kung UniversityReport-for-Duty Registration Form for New Faculty(國立成功大學新進教職員單一窗口報到單)
  6. National Cheng Kung University RFA Form for Proposed Employment of Faculty Members or Research Fellows(國立成功大學擬聘教師/研究人員簽辦表)
  7. National Cheng Kung University Basic Information of Indigenous People Employed by Various Units(各單位進用原住民基本資料表)
  8. Complete title of the regulations or directions(法規條文修訂對照表(空白格式))
  9. National Cheng Kung University RFA Form for Proposed Internal Promotion to Fill Job Vacancy(各單位職員職缺擬辦理內陞簽辦表)
  10. National Cheng Kung University RFA Form for Proposed Employment from Outside the University to Fill Job Vacancy(各單位職員職缺擬辦理外補簽辦表)
  11. National Cheng Kung University: Employee Willingness to Accept a Promotion Acknowledgement Form(職員陞遷意願表)
  12. National Cheng Kung University Promotion Review Form: Employee Research and Development Works for Consideration(職員陞遷之研究發展作品簡介表)
  13. National Cheng Kung University Standard Chart for Grading Proposed Employee Promotion (Transfer)(職員陞任(遷調)評分標準表)
  14. National Cheng Kung University Sequence of Employee Promotion(職員陞遷序列表)
  15. National Cheng Kung University Registration Form for the Selection of Employee(職員甄選報名表)
  16. National Cheng Kung University Job Rotation Form: Employees in Level-1 Units(各一級單位內所屬職員職務輪調情形表)
  17. National Cheng Kung University Recommendation Form for Job Adjustment of Employees in Level-1 Units(各一級單位所屬職員職務調整建議表)
  18. National Cheng Kung University Investigation Form for Evaluating the Number of Employees in Administrative Units(「行政單位人力評估」調查表)
  19. National Cheng Kung University Investigation Form for the Existing Tasks Handled by Various Positions in Administrative Units(「行政單位各職務現有工作項目」調查表)
  20. National Cheng Kung University Form to Deal with Personnel with Insufficient Workload or Exhibiting Incompetence(「工作量不足或不適任人員」處理情形)
  21. National Cheng Kung University Academic Year _____ Registration Form for the Elected Member of the Employee Selection Committee(職員甄審委員會票選委員登記表及推薦表)
  22. National Cheng Kung University Resignation Form(職員離職申請表)
  23. National Cheng Kung University Catalogue of (Unit, Job Title) Handover Lists(國立成功大學主管及承辦人移交清冊目錄)                              
  24. National Cheng Kung University Declaration of Nationality for Adjunct Administrative Supervisors(兼任行政主管國籍聲明書)
  25. National Cheng Kung University Form for Starting Employees(職員到職單)
  26. National Cheng Kung University Review Form for the Appointment of Personnel with Nationality of Both the Republic of China and Another Country(聘任中華民國國民取得外國國籍人員審核表)
  27. Flow Chart of the University’s Faculty Recruitment Process(本校教師延攬作業流程圖)
  28. National Cheng Kung University Application Form for the Quota of Newly Appointed Faculty Members(新聘教師員額申請表)
  29. Description of Future Development and Overall Planning for                                    the College(國立成功大學學院未來發展及整理規劃說明表)
  30. National Cheng Kung University Application Form for Unit Stamp, Official Stamp for an Individual, or Authorization Stamp(單位章、職名章、授權章申請表)
  31. National Cheng Kung University Application Form for a Unit Stamp for a Temporary Unit and the Supervisor’s Individual Official Stamp(非編制單位章及主管職名章申請表)
  32. National Cheng Kung University Affidavit for the Loss of Individual Official Stamp(職名章遺失切結書)
  33. Application Form for Business Cards for Full-Time or Adjunct Supervisors(專(兼)任主管公務名片申請表)
  34. National Cheng Kung University Proposal for Faculty Appointment(進用教師計畫書)
  35. National Cheng Kung University Proposal for Research Fellow Appointment(進用研究人員計畫書)
  36. National Cheng Kung University RFA Form for Proposed Employment of Project Faculty Members or Research Fellows(擬聘專案教師研究人員簽辦表)
  37. National Cheng Kung University RFA Form for the Employment of Contract Employees(各單位擬辦理進用校聘人員簽辦表)
  38. National Cheng Kung UniversityReport-for-Duty  Registration Form for Contract Employees (國立成功大學校聘人員單一窗口報到單)
  39. National Cheng Kung University Contract Employees Resume(國立成功大學校聘人員履歷表)
  40. National Cheng Kung University Contract Employees Resignation Form(國立成功大學校聘人員離職申請表)
  41. National Cheng Kung University To-Do List for Leaving Contract Employees(國立成功大學校聘人員離職應辦事項表)
  42. National Cheng Kung University Labor Contract for Contract Employees(校聘人員契約書)
  43. National Cheng Kung University Review Form for Contract Employees Applying for Pay Rate Promotions According to Their Former Service Seniority(國立成功大學聘僱人員採計年資提敘薪級審核表)
  44. National Cheng Kung University Contract Employee Job Posting (template)( 校聘人員職缺公告(範例))
  45. National Cheng Kung University Application Form for Contract Employees’ Occupational Allowance (校聘人員支領職務加給申請表)
  46. Affidavit(無性侵害犯罪切結書)
  47. National Cheng Kung University Probation Assessment Form for Newly Recruited Contract(新進校聘人員試用期滿考核表)
  48. National Cheng Kung University List of Laid-off Employees(資遣員工通報名冊(試用成績不合格時填報)
  49. National Cheng Kung University Durections for the Recruitment of Distinguished Foreign Scholars (國立成功大學延攬外國籍優秀人才應注意事項)
  50. National Cheng Kung University Application Process for the Recruitment of Distinguished Foreign Scholars(延攬外國籍優秀人才申請流程)
  51. National Cheng Kung University Application Process for the Recruitment of Distinguished Scholars from Mainland China(延攬大陸優秀人才申請流程)
  52. National Cheng Kung University     Fiscal Year Year-End Bonus Application Form for Employed Distinguished Scholars (延攬優秀人才年終工作獎金申請表)
  53. National Cheng Kung University One-Stop Reporting for Service Form for Contracted Outstanding Talent/ Visiting Scholar(國立成功大學延攬優秀人才/訪問學者單一窗口報到單)
  54. National Cheng Kung University Recruitment of Outstanding Talent/ Visiting Scholar: Items Pertaining to Employment Separation(國立成功大學延攬優秀人才/訪問學者離職應辦事項表)
  55. National Cheng Kung University To-Do List for the Transfer of Contracted Distinguished Scholars(國立成功大學延攬優秀人才轉任其他單位到離職應辦事項表)
  56. National Cheng Kung University To-Do List for Contracted Distinguished Scholars Reappointed as Full-Time Teachers or Researchers(國立成功大學延攬優秀人才轉任專案教師、研究人員離職應辦事項表)
  57. National Cheng Kung University To-Do List for Contracted Distinguished Scholars Transferring to Become MOST Postdoctoral Research Fellows(國立成功大學「延攬優秀人才」轉任「國科會博士後研究人員」離職應辦事項表)
  58. From National Cheng Kung University(函請外交部駐外管處辦理查證函稿)