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Teacher and Research Personnel


  1. National Cheng Kung University Regulations Governing Teacher Recruitment(國立成功大學教師聘任辦法108.12.25)
  2. National Cheng Kung University Teacher Employment Contract (國立成功大學教師聘約111.04.20)
  3. National Cheng Kung University Disposal Directions for Teacher Secondment(國立成功大學教師借調處理要點111.04.20)
  4. National Cheng Kung University Seniority Calculation and Rights for Teachers on Leave without Pay(國立成功大學教師留職停薪期間年資採計及權益一覽表107.10.16)
  5. National Cheng Kung University Regulations Governing the Recruitment and Promotion of Research Personnel (研究人員聘任及升等辦法99.6.23)
  6. National Cheng Kung University Employment Contract for Research Personnel(國立成功大學研究人員聘約111.04.20)
  7. National Cheng Kung University Directions for the Recruitment of Adjunct Teachers(國立成功大學兼任教師聘任要點109.10.15)
  8. National Cheng Kung University Employment Contract for Adjunct Teachers(國立成功大學兼任教師聘約109.10.15)
  9. National Cheng Kung University Directions for the Recruitment of Adjunct Experts as Teachers(國立成功大學聘請兼任專家擔任教學要點102.10.30)
  10. National Cheng Kung University Regulations for the Recruitment and Management of New-Scheme Teaching Assistants(新制助教聘任及管理辦法107.3.28)
  11. National Cheng Kung University Directions for the Recruitment of Foreign Teachers(國立成功大學延聘外國籍教師應注意事項110.09)
  12. National Cheng Kung University Regulations on the Joint Appointment of Teachers Between Departments(校內單位間教師合聘辦法96.3.28)
  13. National Cheng Kung University Implementation Directions for Recruiting Contract Faculty Using the University Endowment Fund (國立成功大學校務基金進用約聘教師實施要點109.6.10)
  14. National Cheng Kung University Contract for Teachers(國立成功大學教師契約書111.04.20)
  15. National Cheng Kung University Implementation Directions for the Appointment of Contract Research Personnel Using the University Endowment Fund (國立成功大學校務基金進用約聘研究人員實施要點109.6.10)
  16. National Cheng Kung University Contract for Research Personnel (國立成功大學研究人員契約書111.04.20)
  17. National Cheng Kung University Directions for the Recruitment of Distinguished Foreign Scholars(國立成功大學延攬外國籍優秀人才應注意事項109.11)

  18. National Cheng Kung University Application Process for the Recruitment of Distinguished Foreign Scholars(國立成功大學延攬外國籍優秀人才申請流程)

  19. National Cheng Kung University Application Process for the Recruitment of Distinguished Scholars from Mainland China(國立成功大學延攬大陸優秀人才申請流程)   
  20. National Cheng Kung University Differences Between Full-Time Teachers, Teachers Sponsored by Project Funds, and Distinguished Scholars in Terms of Personnel Management Systems and Rights (本校專任教師、教師(計畫經費)、延攬優秀人才人事管理制度及權益比較表)
  21. National Cheng Kung University Operation Directions for Faculty Members Applying to Lecture Abroad, or Study or Train at a Domestic or Foreign Institution(國立成功大學教師出國講學及國內外研究進修申請作業要點108.4.10)
  22. National Cheng Kung University Operation Directions Governing Faculty Members’ Application for Activities Overseas(國立成功大學教師申請出國作業要點108.1.9)
  23. National Cheng Kung University Supplementary Regulations for Faculty Members Lecturing or Holding Concurrent Positions at Other Institutions(國立成功大學教師校外兼課兼職補充規定107.6.13)
  24. National Cheng Kung University Directions on Teacher Evaluation Committee’s Resolution of Suspension(國立成功大學教師評審委員會停權措施裁處原則108.1.15)
  25. National Cheng Kung University Regulations Governing the Sabbatical Leave of Professors and Associate Professors(國立成功大學教授、副教授休假研究辦法100.6.20)
  26. National Cheng Kung University Supplementary Directions for Business Trips Taken By Faculty and Staff Members(國立成功大學教職員工差假補充規定103.11.5)
  27. National Cheng Kung University Overseas Travel Report(出國報告書之電子檔格式、注意事項、管控單位及審核流程)
  28. National Cheng Kung University Operation Directions for Service Extension of President, Professors, and Associate Professors(國立成功大學校長教授副教授延長服務案件作業要點107.12.20)
  29. National Cheng Kung University Service Extension Recommendation Form for Professors and Associate Professors(國立成功大學教師延長服務推薦表)
  30. National Cheng Kung University Consent Form for Personal Information Collection, Processing, and Utilization(國立成功大學新進人員個人資料蒐集同意書)
  31. National Cheng Kung University Directions for the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace(國立成功大學工作場所性騷擾防治要點106.6.14)
  32. Teachere's Leave Regulations (教師請假規則111.6.15)